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Transfer & Returning Student Starting Spring

Hi Bearcat!

We offer Orientation and Winter Welcome to help you acclimate to the Northwest campus before you arrive for the spring semester!



Enrolling in classes and participating in orientation are important steps to beginning your student experience at Northwest. You will be able to work with an advisor to enroll and learn about campus resources and services to set you up for a successful start.

Orientation FAQs

What is my next step as a transfer student after acceptance? Register for orientation

Please register for orientation. Returning or Transfer orientation for the spring semester start will open October 1.

  1. Go to CatPAWS 
  2. Click: Log In/Enter Secure Area
  3. Enter your Northwest Network Account username (s#) and password.
  4. Navigate to the orientation tab. (If you do not see the orientation tab there is a green arrow you can select to view more options.)
  5. Select “Click here to enter Orientation System.”

What are the dates for returning/transfer orientation?

2026 Spring Returning/Transfer Orientation dates:

  • To be announced
  • Online Orientation (if student is unable to attend in person)

Transfer orientation day schedule

Time Event
9 – 10 a.m. Optional Tour of Campus
Student Services Fair
10 – 10:30 a.m. Check-in
Student Services Fair
10:30 a.m. - noon Welcome to the Bearcat Family
University Seminar Overview
Advisement & Registration Overview
Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided for all attendees and their guest(s).
Noon – 3 p.m. Advisement Appointment

What do I do after attending orientation?

Winter Welcome is a continuation of orientation. You are invited to attend Winter Welcome with all incoming Bearcats. You are not required to attend Winter Welcome, but it is strongly encouraged. 

Winter Welcome events specific to transfer students.

  • Movie night at the Hangar
  • Transfer Student Welcome

Additional Transfer Student Information

Winter Welcome

Winter Welcome

Winter Welcome is a continuation of orientation. You are invited to attend Winter Welcome with all incoming Bearcats. You are not required to attend Winter Welcome, but it is strongly encouraged. 

Winter Welcome Schedule